Sunday 6 December 2020


Biasanya 60% wanita alami benda ni. 

Okey macam ni, boleh cek balik kat sini, ada dua kemungkinan. First, maybe kita alami purging atau breakout. 

Purging ni proses nak clearkan/bersihkan balik kulit muka kita dari segala masalah jerawat, minyak, kotoran. Biasanya berlaku dulu benda ni sebelum kulit muka kita betul-betul bersih macam yang kita nak.

Breakout ni pulak, biasanya jerawat atau bintik-bintik merah yang memenuhi kulit muka kita disebabkan pori kulit kita yang tersumbat (ni biasa berlaku disebabkan kulit kita tak serasi dengan kandungan produk yang kita guna. 

So, first sekali, kena pastikan dulu kita ni purging ke breakout. 

Macam mana nak tahu? Kalau breakout. Breakout ni, contohnya, selama ni kita tak pernah langsung ada jerawat dekat pipi, tapi 1day tu, pipi kita penuh jerawat. ya, itu breakout. 

Breakout ni biasanya berlaku sebab kulit kita allergic dengan kandungan dalam produk. Dan kalau betul breakout, kita memang disarankan stop. Maksudnya, asal guna je produk tu, memang akan teruk. 

Bukan berperingkat tau. Dia terus jadi teruk. Tu memang akibat allergic dan kulit breakout.

Kalau purging ni pulak, dia berlaku ada tempoh dia. Dia berlaku paling lama pun 3-4 minggu je atau sekali sekala. 

So, kalau berlaku symptom macam tumbuh jerawat kecil, gatal sikit-sikit, ini normal, selagi mana ia tidak berterusan lebih dari 30 hari, sebab lepas 30 hari, sel kulit baru akan berganti dan kulit akan kembali normal.

Kalau ragu-ragu, boleh cuba kurangkan dos penggunaan. Contohnya, kalau biasa cuci muka dua kali, kita try cuci sekali je. Kalau biasa apply krim kerap, cuba apply malam je. Kalau biasa guna skrub tiap-tiap minggu, cuba guna 2 minggu sekali je. 

Then tengok perubahan macam mana. Macam purging ni, dia ni  proses bersihkan kulit, hingga jerawat-jerawat yang tersimpan tu dipaksa keluar, so waktu tu, memang lebihan jerawat tu akan muncul selalu. 

Ini proses biasa, proses clearing la lebih kurang. Tapi proses purging ni berlaku pada sesetengah orang je. Tak semua alami. Kalau kulit seseorang tu dah okey, dia tak berlaku dah purging.

Produk yang akan menyebabkan berlakunya purging ni, produk yang ada ‘exfoliate’. Exfoliate ni proses yang akan membuang sel-sel kulit mati dan bantu mempercepatkan regenerasi sel kulit baru hingga jerawat-jerawat yang ada dekat bawah kulit muncul. 

So, jerawat yang dipaksa keluar tu akan dikecutkan dan akhirnya kulit kita akan jadi lebih sihat dan bersih. Waktu ni baru la kulit akan nampak sihat.

Apa pun, kita kena ingat, kita tak boleh bergantung 100% pada produk. Kena juga jaga kesihatan dalaman kita. Contohnya, minum air masak banyak, lap muka dengan tuala khas (expecially yg kulit sensitif atau mudah berlaku merah-merah).

Walaupun kita dh guna sesuatu produk tu lama, kita still berisiko untuk alami juga purging, lagi-lagi kalau ada yang memang ada masalah period tak teratur/hormon tak teratur.

selain hormon, masalah psikologi (tekanan), pencemaran air pun boleh jadi salah satu asbab.

60-80% wanita alami purging. Kalau ada yang tak ada dalam kategori tu, alhamdulillah.

Tapi doktor cakap banyak kali, air masak je boleh bantu. Semua benda ni kalah dengan air.

Sumber info & Editor : Founder Alhaura Beauty

Sumber : pakar kulit - Dr Azhar, sahabat baik (Founder Alhaura-Cikgu Fie)

Friday 4 December 2020


1) Tinggalkan skincare lama.

2) Rest kan kulit sekurang-kurangnya seminggu. Tanpa pakai apa-apa. 

3) Untuk pencuci muka

▶ Boleh cuci dengan air suam + sikit garam bukit. Bilas dengan air sejuk.

4) Jangan sesekali picit jerawat.! No no no. Nanti jerawat lagi banyak & tinggal parut.

5) Sentiasa minum air yang cukup sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter sehari. Tak cukup air kulit jadi kusam dan kering.

Selepas seminggu, baru boleh mulakan pakai SET SKINCARE ALHAURA BEAUTY.

Friday 6 March 2020


Sedikit perkongsian berkenaan JERAWAT.....😊


💚Hindari makanan yang boleh menggalakkan pertumbuhan jerawat seperti makanan yang mempunyai kadar gula tinggi seperti :⤵️

✅makanan berlemak
✅(salah satunya junk food)

💚Perbanyakan makanan yang berasaskan buah buahan dan sayur sayuran.

💚Hindari sinaran matahari secara langsung.

💚Jangan menggunakan make up yang berlebihan.

Semoga Info ni bermanfaat untuk semua 😉


Tuesday 3 March 2020


1) Pori muka tersumbat

Pori muka akan jadi tersumbat sebab kita tidak bersihkan kotoran dan sel kulit mati yang ada dekat muka. Ni salah satu sebab muka naik jerawat.

2) Nampak tua.

Bila tidur dengan makeup, muka kita akan ages faster. Sebabnya, it leads to breakdown of skin barriers.

3) Jerawat makin teruk.

Untuk yang ada oily skin, tidur dengan makeup can make it worst!

4) Iritasi pada mata.

Tidur dengan mascara atau

 eyeliner boleh menyebabkan substance dalam tu masuk dalam mata secara tak sengaja. Mata boleh jadi kering, merahan atau terkena jangkitan bakteria.



Bahayanya sekarang ni ada ramai individu yang boleh buat perkhidmatan nak putihkan kulit muka, nak bagi kulit glowing yada yada yada tanpa ada ilmu asas kesihatan pun.

Bila muka dah barai, memang ambil masa yang sangat lama nak baik atau boleh 

We are what we eat.

Nak lihat seseorang itu amalkan gaya hidup sihat, boleh lihat dari kulit wajah dia (tidak termasuk mereka yang dah cucuk macam macam atau buat pembedahan)

Mereka yang sihat (minum air kosong secukupnya, makan makanan yang sihat, rajin bersenam, bijak menguruskan stress, tidur yang cukup) memang akan terpacul ‘glowing’ pada kulit mereka😊

Tips untuk kulit sihat & glowing:
1. Kekal hidrasi ( air kosong 2-3 liter sehari)
2. Makan sayur dan buah setiap hari
3. Kurangkan makanan manis dan berminyak
4. Bersenam setiap hari kerana peluh adalah salah satu cara untuk nyahtoksin
5. Bijak kawal stress
6. Tidur yang cukup setiap hari
7. Cuci wajah masa bangun dan sebelum tidur. Cuci wajah dengan bersih 
8. Gunakan skincare yang selamat
9. Tidak memicit jerawat
10. Paling penting, gunalah sunscreen setiap hari ( pilih yang selamat dan betul ok)
11. Selalu sedekah senyuman
12. Bersihkan hati 
13. Rajin kan diri berwuduk

Tiada siapa kata kulit yang sihat adalah yang putih.

Sebab itu berdosa mengubah ciptaan Allah.

Berhati hatilah ok.
Risau saya tengok makin banyak peniaga yang menjaja tentang skincare dan perkhidmatan facial yang merbaya.

Ingat ya, tiada satu suntikan vitamin C yang selamat. 

Berhentilah merosakkan diri sendiri hanya kerana mahu kelihatan ‘cantik’.

Skincare yang bagus adalah tidak mengandungi bahan merbahaya, tidak berbau dan tidak berwarna warni✌🏻

Kecantikan itu adalah keyakinan.
Yakinlah yang segala apa yang Allah kurnia kita adalah yang terbaik. Tugas kita cuma memelihara kurniaanNya dengan sihat dan tidak memudaratkan😊

Sabda Rasulullah saw:)
لَعَنَ اللهُ الْوَاشِمَاتِ، وَالْمُسْتَوْشِمَاتِ، وَالنَّامِصَاتِ وَالْمُتَنَمِّصَاتِ، وَالْمُتَفَلِّجَاتِ لِلْحُسْنِ، الْمُغَيِّرَاتِ خَلْقَ اللهِ
“Allah melaknat perempuan-perempuan yang membuat tatu dan yang meminta dibuat tatu pada badannya, perempuan-perempuan yang minta dicukur alis (bulu keningnya) dan perempuan-perempuan yang menjarangkan giginya untuk kelihatan cantik iaitu perempuan-perempuan yang merubah ciptaan Allah”. 
(Riwayat Imam Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.)

Nota kaki : Berhias tak salah cuma janganlah berlebihan sehingga membelakangkan dosa pahala♥️

Dr. Erna Nadia

وَلَا تُسْرِفُوا إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ
“…dan janganlah berlebih-lebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan….”.


Tuesday 5 March 2013

Healthy Diet Tips
        Maintaining a healthy diet should not have to be a challenge. Even some of the simplest healthier substitutions can give your meal a complete health makeover. Below you will find a variety of tips that will help you include gains, fruits and vegetables into your diet. We also offer a quick list of suggestions for a heart-healthy diet and tips for making overall healthy food choices. Bon Appetite!

Whole Grains
·         Today there are several varieties of whole-wheat pastas available in the markets. Try substituting whole-wheat pasta the next time you make your favorite pasta dish.
·                     Instead of white bread try whole-wheat bread.
·                     Brown rice is delicious and good for you, but it generally takes a little longer to cook. Plan on making brown rice instead on white rice the next time you serve rice.
·                      Try mixing barley into your next soup instead of noodles.
·               Next time a recipe calls for flower try using whole-wheat flower or oat flower instead of white flower.
·           Whole wheat bread crumbs or cereal can be a simple substitute for breading chicken and fish.
·                Popcorn is a healthy whole-grain snack, but try not to add butter or salt.
·              Look at the ingredients on food labels. Many foods that appear to be whole-grain are in fact not. Foods labeled with the words "multi-grain," "stone-ground," "100% wheat," "cracked wheat," "seven-grain," or "bran" are usually not whole-grain products.
·         Buy products that have at least one of these ingredients listed as one of the first items: "brown rice," "bulgur," "graham flour," "oatmeal," "whole-grain corn," "whole oats," "whole rye," "whole wheat," "wild rice."
·         When shopping for whole-grain breads try to avoid products that have too many added sugars, fats or oils.

·         Vegetables that are in season are often the best choice because they are affordable and often full of flavor. Try a variety of seasonal vegetables to keep meals interesting.
·         Frozen vegetables make a good alternative to fresh vegetables. Always keep your freezer stocked with a few frozen vegetable options just in case you get caught without fresh veggies.
·         Vegetables that are high in potassium are often the most nutritious vegetable choices. White beans, tomato products, beet greens, soybeans, lima beans, winter squash, lentils, kidney beans, spinach, split peas, white potatoes and sweet potatoes are great sources of potassium.
·         If you buy canned vegetables or other canned products try to look for cans labeled "low sodium" since canned food will often have added sodium.
·         Try focusing some meals on vegetables rather than meats or starches. Vegetable stir-fry's and vegetable soups can be easy to make.
·         Pre-washed salad is easy to prepare. Try adding a small salad to every meal.
·         Try cooking vegetables on your outdoor grill the next time you BBQ. Vegetable kabobs are easy to prepare and a great addition to any grilled meat.
·         Keep vegetable snacks on hand at all times. Carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumber slices and bell pepper slices can help hold you over between meals.
·         Get creative by decorating you serving plates with a variety of colorful vegetables.
·         Make your salads colorful. If you have more than three colors in your salad you probably have a nice variety of vegetables and nutrients.
·         Boiling vegetables can cook the nutrients out of the vegetable. Try lightly steaming veggies instead of boiling them.

·         Always have a bowl of fruit in your house making it easy to snack on or to grab a fruit on your way out the door. A bowl of fruit also makes a nice table centerpiece.
·         Buying fruits that are in season are usually the most affordable and the most delicious.
·         Dried and canned fruits are good to have on hand so you always have a supply of fruit. Avoid buying canned fruits that are stored in syrup. Instead, try to buy canned fruits that are stored in fruit juice or water.
·         Try to eat mostly whole or freash cut-up fruit. Don't consume too many fruit juices, especially those that have mostly added sugars.
·         Always keep your eye peeled for a good deal on bags of oranges and grapefruits. These are great to eat whole or make fresh juice from.
·         Vary your fruit choices because different fruits offer different nutrients.
·         Fruits that are high in potassium are great choices. Fruits that are high in potassium include bananas, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, oranges and prunes.
·         Top your breakfast cereal with cut-up fruits such as bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apricots or peaches.
·         Don't forget that fruit makes a wonderful dessert. Try a mix of your favorite berries on top of plain yogurt. Add a few nuts for extra flavor and texture.
·         Baked apples or pears can also be a wonderful dessert.
·         Fruit salad is a great snack to have on hand in your refrigerator at home or at the office.
·         Let raisins satisfy your next sweet-tooth.

·         When it comes to protein, lean protein is the healthiest choice.
·         Take the skin off of your chicken before you cook it.
·         Skinless chicken and turkey is the leanest poultry.
·         Lean pork choices include pork loin, tenderloin, center loin and ham.
·         Lean beef choices include round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin, chuck shoulder and arm roasts. Try to buy extra lean ground beef that has is at least "90% lean."
·         Trim off extra fat from all meats and poultry before cooking.
·         Drain off fat that appears as you meat is cooking, or cook you meat on a rack so that the extra fat drips off the meat during the cooking process.
·         Avoid making high fat sauces or gravies with your meat.
·         Include fish in your diet. Fish is high in protein and mostly low in fat.
·         Some fish such as salmon and trout are high in omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your health.
·         Beans are also a great source of protein. Beans have endless potential for meals, including soups, chili, bean salads and baked beans.
·         Some delicious foods are made from peas or beans such as hummus and tofu. Tofu can also be a great meat substitute.
·         Try to avoid buying meats that have been processed. Lunch meats, sausages and hot dogs usually have had salt added to them while being processed.

Heart-Healthy Diet Tips
·         Maintain a low fat diet. You will want to especially avoid fats such as butter, coconut oil, saturated fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, animal fats and dairy fats.
·         Instead of oils, try using nonstick cooking sprays.
·         Always try to buy the leanest cuts of meat. Poultry, fish and turkey are better choices than beef.
·         Try starting your day with a hearty bowl of oatmeal.
·         Skim milk and non-fat yogurt is a healthier option than high-fat dairy products.
·         Don't eat too many sweets or foods with added sugar. Soda and sweetened beverages should be kept to a minimum as well.
·         Avoid eating more than four egg yolks a week. Generally it is better to eat egg whites or egg substitutes.
·         Don't fry your food. Steaming or baking food is generally a healthier preparation.
·         Try to avoid the fast food restaurant chains, they usually do not have many healthy options. If you must eat at a fast food restaurant, try to make the healthier choice and order a salad.

Monday 4 March 2013


NAME                                 : NORAMI RASIDAH BINTI ABDOL RAHIM
PHONE NUMBER              : 017-6058161
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